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Work From Home Consulting

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Five Tips for Managing a Remote Workforce

As contact center leaders, we are constantly being asked to do more with less; but still provide an exceptional customer experience.


Having the Right Technology

In order to effectively support calls from agents homes, you first must have the call platforms and technology to route the call over the internet; or in some rare cases over landlines.


Increase Your Communication

We conduct employee engagement programs at many contact centers and consistently see lower scores on communication than the leadership expects.


Create a Community 

Agents want to feel they are part of a community and want to get to know their coworkers. Remember contact center agents are social people, and providing them a path for social interaction is critical for retention and employee satisfaction.

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Measure for Success

Contact centers are one of the most measured departments in most companies and remote workers can easily be measured for success, just like you do with your brick and Mortar agents. Availability/Adherence, Utilization, Average Handle Time, Customer Satisfaction and any other metric you have in place can and should be measured.
But with At-home agents the measurement tools can play a larger role in the management of your contact center. You can’t simply “walk the floor” in a virtual contact center, so the technology tools and monitoring features have to become your new “waking the floor” methodology.

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Provide more Feedback and Coaching

We recommend front line supervisors spend time listening in on agent calls throughout the day. Not just for required Quality Assurance goals, but to effectively understand the unique strengths and areas of improvement of each of their agents. In these “walking the floor” exercises, we suggest the supervisors listen in on calls for a minute or two and move to the next agent, so they get a snapshot of the tone of the center and activity.


We Offer Free Consulting! 

Start your research with ContactCenterPRO Consulting. We work with hundreds of technology providers including: NiceInContact, Bright Pattern, Five9, 8X8, talkdesk, Jive, Avaya, Cisco, DialPad, Fuze, Genesis, Mitel, RingCentral and many others. With ContactCenterPRO we will create your requirements document, RFP and Decision guides that are customized to your unique needs, then bring in the best partners, eliminating the wasted time reviewing partners that are not a fit.

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